Standing before Isaiah's shoe-box sized casket last Tuesday, shivering
and christened with snow, Lauren and I prayed to GOD. We ended our
prayer reading from Isaiah 25. As the workers interred Isaiah's body,
we left Rosehill Cemetery and drove along the North Shore gaping at the
snow swirling around our car.
When we arrived home that night, I thumbed through my bible and noticed
a crinkly rigidity on pages 1208 and 1209. Those pages had been
moistened with snow and tears while reading the FATHER's words at
Isaiah's grave (Isaiah 25). The pock-marked pages remind me of this
cheesy, faux "Declaration of Independence" souvenir my grandpa lovingly
bought me while on a trip to DC. I remember being 10 and thinking it
was mysterious and old, like a treasure map.
The water damage to my bible is permanent and beautiful. It's as if the
LORD breathed powerfully upon those pages and reminded me that HE will
"remove our disgrace" and "swallow up death forever"
Those pages are now mysterious and old and a treasure far greater than
any souvenir.
Below are pictures of pages 1208 and 1209. It's really cool how it
affected those 2 pages alone. The rest of Isaiah is smooth as silk.

Christ's tears mixed w/ yours... What a beautiful gift to honor Isaiah.