
Sweet smile!

Lately, Eli has become a lot more alert.  He loves gazing around the house and loves laying on his activity mat and staring at the toys.  My absolute favorite developments are that now he will respond to my voice, follow me with his gaze and respond with the sweetest smile.  It doesn't matter my attitude or what I am doing, that smile just melts my heart!

He is getting so big though.  I weighed him on our home scale yesterday and he was 12 pounds.  That's almost double his birth weight already!  And he is getting just as tall:

Eli is still our favorite photo subject.  Here are a few of our recent favorites:

Eli, I can't believe you are almost 2 months already, but we love you more and more each day!  Today, I am so thankful for your sweet smile!

1 comment:

  1. What a bundle of joy!! He melts grandma's heart too!!
